How to subscribe to the PMEA iCal calendar
Subscribe to this calendar URL using copy & paste
Find your calendar system below for direction
Go to the Settings icon and choose "Accounts & Passwords"
Select "Add Account..."
Select "Other" at the bottom of the list
Select "Add Subscribed Calendar"
In the "Server" field enter the URL of the ICS feed and then click the "Next" button
A detailed dialog window will open. Enter a meaningful description in the "Description" field
Click the "Save" button
Google Calendar
Log into your Google calendar (
In the pane in the lower left of the window, click the downward pointing triangle to the right of the "Other calendars" label.
Select "Add by URL..."
Enter the URL of the ICS feed in the "URL:" field
Click "Add Calendar"
Mac OS iCal
Open iCal
In the menu bar, open the "Calendar" menu and choose "Subscribe..."
Enter the URL of the ICS feed in the dialog then click the "Subscribe" button
A detailed dialog window will open. At the bottom of the window, change the "Auto-refresh" field to "Every day".
In the "Name:" field enter a title that is meaningful to you
Click "OK"
Note: To add an iCal Feed to an Android phone, this must be done on a computer.
Navigate to:
Log In to the Google Calendar that is used on your Android Phone
Select Other Calendar
Select "Add by Url"
Paste in iCal Link that was copied from the Calendar
Open up the Calendar on your Android Phone
Select Calendars
Select the Calendar you would like to View and Done
Yahoo Calendar
Go to (it will prompt you to log in if you haven't already)
In the "Email or iCal Address:" field, enter the URL of the ICS feed
Click the "Next" button
In the "Display as:" field, enter a title that is meaningful to you
Click the "Save" button
Microsoft Outlook 2010
Open Outlook 2010
Go to your calendar and then click the "Home" tab on the Ribbon
Click the "Open Calendar" button in the Ribbon and choose "From Internet..."
Enter the URL of the ICS feed
Click the "OK" button
A dialog will popup asking you if you want to "Add this Internet Calendar to Outlook and subscribe to updates".
Click the "Yes" button
Outlook 2007
Open Outlook 2007
From Tools menu select Account Settings
Click on the Internet Calendars tab
Click the New button
Enter the URL of the ICS feed then click Add
In the Subscription Options dialog box, you can optionally rename the calendar.
Make sure the box is checked in the Update Limit section.